Basic Knots.

These eight knots are the most basic knots and are considered to be the building blocks of knot tying. 
Presented here is a video Eight Knots Everyone Should Know which is a quick overview of each of these basic knots, and below you will find a short video dedicated to each knot.

How to Tie Basic Knots.

In creating this resource I wasn't sure if I should use the words "Basic Knots". It's true, to those who know these, that they are fundamental knots and for many will seem obviously basic. Still, I feel there is a great amount of value in learning and retaining these basic knots.

Eight Knots Everyone Should Know!

In this video we look at how to tie 8 basic knots that everyone should know.

There are so many great knots that everyone should know. In this video we look at knots that are foundations for more "advanced Knots," knots that are easy to learn, and knots that have real world application.

Due to the real world application of these knots, you're likely going to recognize or already know some of these knots but the importance of including them in this video is to create a video that will help people learn knots and I believe that the knots presented in this video are the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to learn.

Basic Knots.

The Overhand Knot

The Slip Knot

The Half Hitch

The Two Half Hitches

The Square Knot

The Clove Hitch

The Bowline Knot

The Sheet Bend

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Knot Tying Terminology

In this video we have a look at some terms and labels used when talking about knots.

This video offers some of the most common knot and rope terminology. There are a lot of terms specific to basic knot tying and a lot of different applications where some of the terms may vary (rigging, paracord crafts, macrame, etc). This video is intended for the viewers of my videos, sharing some of the terms that I may use.